Moonlight Kitties...
I was up at 5 AM today. Coffee. Scripture study (Luke 9). Prayer. Then I performed my weekly head-shaving ritual, shaved my face, and then flossed and brushed my teeth. I spent the rest of the day entering transactions for the last month in my checkbook, then going online to see which ones had cleared (and clearing them in my register), then throwing away receipts that had cleared (and shredding cleared checks and anything else that the identity thieves might misuse). Paid all the bills that were due. Filed about three months' worth of unfiled papers (and threw away or shredded a good bit as well). By the time these tasks were done, it was something on the order of 3 PM, and I was still in my pajamas! I had just enough time to run between a half-dozen and a dozen errands before dropping off my daughter at Saturday night service at our church. By the time I got home, it was about 6 PM. My mind was mush. Decided to try for some more channel cats in the same spot I had such good luck in this past Wednesday night.
Lots of surface chumming brought in the turtles by the dozens, and I also saw swirls and heard the characteristic smacks of channel cats feeding on the surface. Unfortunately, they weren't interested in my punch bait today. I didn't get any takes until nearly dark, when my first take proved to be an angry snapper in excess of 20 pounds! I ended up landing five channel kitties. I say "kitties" because the smallest fully qualified as a dink (about hand-sized) and the largest probably wasn't over a pound. At least I averted the dreaded skunk. The last hour or so was at least more interesting. I also got to watch a gorgeous full moon rise above the horizon and ascend toward the northeast. Unlike the other night, I didn't hear or see many larger fish chasing minnows.
As it was getting on toward 9 PM, I decided to make a couple last casts to my left, where it appeared that something large was cruising around from several swirls I saw. I made a cast just beyond where I'd seen the swirls with great anticipation. Unfortunately, when I tried to reel in the slack after my cast, there was a significant tangle at my reel--so significant, in fact, that I had to cut my line to free the bird's nest. At that point, it was time to call it quits for the night.
Curiously, despite all the floating trout chow I've been putting out (and dry dog food and bread pieces), the carp have been nowhere to be found the last two times out. Don't know why, but they're not feeding off the surface like they were a week or two ago. Why? Not sure. Cooler temps have anything to do with it?
I may not have had quite the same luck I did the other night, but a few hours on the bank greatly alleviated the stress that had accumulated with the day's busyness, at least temporarily restored my sanity, and made me ready to turn in satisfied and at peace. Good thing--tomorrow starts at 4:30 AM!